Code Of Conduct
Our Dance Centers code of conduct are rules for the benefit of all students. We emphasize the consistent practice of dance class, performance etiquette & dress code.
Students must be punctual & arrive BEFORE class in enough time to allow use of the bathroom, get dressed, remove jewelry, and neatly put hair back.
All students must be READY TO DANCE at the start of each class.
Students who are 15+ minutes late will be asked to sit out and observe class.Students who miss four or more classes may have a diminished role in performances.
Courtesy Make-Up Classes are for families that call ahead of time and let the Front Office know of the students future absence. After notice is given, then the parent may set up a time for the courtesy make-up class.
Students and parents are responsible for their belongings.
Do not bring valuables into the studio or lobby.
ZGDC is not responsible for lost, stolen, or misplaced property.
All students MUST be picked up within 10 minutes of the end of class.NO gum, food or drinks other than water/gatorade are permitted in the studio
NO parents/caregivers/siblings in the studio while class is in session.
NO loud noise is allowed in the lobby when class is in session.
NO photography or videotaping allowed at ZGDC performances or in the studio, without permission.
Parents — If you need to talk with an instructor, please call the studio to set up a time or send an email.
All dancers are expected to attend classes weekly & participate to the best of their ability.
Putting forth 100% effort, energy, and enthusiasm!
Eyes & attention must always be on the instructor.
Be appreciative of corrections and apply them.
All dancers will be friendly, warm & welcoming to the other dancers at the dance center and in their classes.
We encourage dancers to establish new friendships, teamwork & fairness with their peers in their classes.Be appreciative of corrections and apply them.
No talking or leaning on the barre during class.
Never stop in the middle of an exercise.
All dancers observing a class while it is in progress, whether out of interest or due to sickness or injury, are expected to be quiet and courteous to the dancers, dance instructors & assistants.
Leaving class before it is over is not acceptable.
When leaving after class, students thank their instructors
All dancers must adhere to the dress code. This includes hair and attire. Dancers that do not adhere to the dress code can not participate in class. For individual dress code information, please refer to the class descriptions page on our website.
NOTE: Students who identify as gender non-conforming may choose the dress code they are most comfortable with.